expedition requirements

This section of the site is meant to outline for you - our potential sponsor - what the expedition requirements are and explain the many different ways you can contribute to this expedition. As you'll see, we're after equipment, accommodation, services and funds to keep us going.

If you're thinking of becoming a sponsor of beimers.com but are unsure of how you'll benefit or what's involved, read through the Benefits of Sponsorship and then contact us so that we can work with you to customize your involvement, whether it's through product testing, or simply self-promotion.

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monetary sponsorship | equipment sponsorship | technical needs | other services

Monthly Operating Costs
Lodging: $600
Food: $300
Administrative: $200
Phone & Web: $40
Web Space: $10
Misc.: $50
Total Monthly: $1200
For 6 Month Trip: $7200

Travel to NZ: $500
Within NZ: $600
Total: $1100

Basic Equipment
If we are unable to acquire a sponsor for equipment listed below, total cost to purchase: $1438

Expedition Total:

monetary requirements
When Shackleton was turned down by the Royal Geographic Society, he had to explore other avenues before he could explore the Antarctic. His salvation came in the form of a private sponsor; someone who felt that Shackleton had the heart and the fortitude to be the first man to cross the coldest continent. That one woman allowed Shackleton to pursue his dream.

Unfortunately, Shackleton didn't make it. But at least one of his lifeboats was named after her.

At the outset, we are looking to raise $9738 in funding to complete this six-month expedition. This simply covers the basic costs, such as transportation, accommodation, trail fees, food, equipment, and various miscellaneous costs. A detailed breakdown is available for viewing to the left.

Since we are actively looking for an equipment sponsor, as well as the contribution of other services such as transportation, the overall cost of setup and daily living will hopefully be reduced. We would also be interested in partial sponsorship. Should your corporation not be willing to front the cost of the entire trip, but rather a segmented portion such as food or accommodation, we would still be very excited to get in contact with you.

We believe that we offer an excellent range of online, media, and editorial opportunies that will ensure that you are getting the best value for your contribution. We've outlined these in our Benefits of Sponsorship section.

Interested in becoming a full or partial monetary sponsor?
contact us now!


equipment requirements
Having the right equipment is just as important as making sure it is of the highest quality. We're interested in hearing from both small and large companies who manufacture or sell the high-quality, lightweight trekking and camping equipment. As our expedition has a focus on trekking with minimal equipment, we're particularly interested in working with manufacturers of compact and lightweight gear.

Whether you'd like to entirely outfit our expedition or provide us with one specifice item that you specialize in, we'd like to make you a part of the adventure. The list on the right outlines the complete list of gear we will require.

On our current cycling adventure through Australia, our recumbent tricycles were provided by Penninger Recumbents, a company in St. Charles, Illinois. Besides advertising their products on our website and showing off the equipment, we've taken the trikes through over 13,000km of rigourous terrain, extreme heat, torrential rain, and shown to him that his equipment does stand up to anything Australia can throw at it.
Since our website is very honest, open and personal, many of our visitors have come to respect our opinions. By using your equipment, we intend to promote it through daily use and mention in the contents of our site, and we intend to test your products through extreme conditions (so you'd better be confident that it does what you say it does... we're already onto our fifth tent in two years).

Check out some of the other benefits of becoming an equipment sponsor.

If you are considering becoming an equipment sponsor, please contact us soon because shipping to New Zealand or Australia (where we're currently still finishing our cycling expedition) from overseas can take upwards of six weeks.

Interested in becoming an equipment sponsor?
contact us now!

Essential trekking gear
- sleeping bags
- two gear packs
- knife set
- fishing set
- blow-up pillows
- mess kit
- clothing
- hiking shoes
- walking sticks
- hats
- compass
- sunscreen
- biodeg. soap
- sunglasses
- survival kit
- first aid kit
- water packs
- matches
- flashlights
- batteries
- water filter

Are we missing anything? Does your company make something we've never heard of?
Contact us!

technical requirements
Though we didn't include the items below among the list of basic requirements, we are currently at the point where we need to replace most of our technical gear and upgrade our web space. Since technology is one of the most important facets of our adventures, we'd like to ensure that we stay on top of the current trends, and, let's face it, the lighter we are, the better.

Here are some of the items on our technological wish list:
  • A new laptop. Our current laptop is an IBM Thinkpad that's about five years old, and if it were to die tomorrow, it would certainly be saluted for its valliant efforts thus far. We hate to put it to bed, but one has to move on. We need a new laptop that can be put through some tough situations and keep on ticking, or whatever it is computers do.
  • Another necessity is an upgrade to our web space. We'd like to work with a service provider who can provide us with a minimum of 2 Gigs of server space, complete with statistics, mailing list facilities, minimal downtime, and unlimited email addresses. We intend to continue this lifestyle for many years to come, so we're looking for a long term partnership.
  • Another long term partnership we're striving for is a satellite phone or worldwide mobile phone sponsor. We'd like to show that the technological level of our world has progressed to the point where you can be reached anywhere, whether it be the Sahara, Vladivostok, Peru, or the moon.
  • On our super-duper-dreamy-dream-of-dreams list is the ability to have a portable satellite internet connection throughout this and future expeditions. This would allow us to update our website much more frequently, increasing the number of people we reach with our stories and adventures. If the technology isn't available yet to accomplish this, we'll be satisfied with traditional access.
In the interest of bringing our adventures to a brand-new audience, we'd like to bring a digital video camera along with us. A first for a beimers.com expedition, our daily lives would be filmed with the intention of doing a documentary when the expedition is complete.

Ideally, we'd like to work with one technology corporation that would be able to satisfy both our computer and telecommunication requirements. However, if you can provide any of the above, we want to hear from you, to help you in becoming involved in the crucial behind-the-scenes technical side of our expedition.

Interested in becoming a technology sponsor?
contact us now!

service requirements
It's not just adventuring companies that play a crucial role in expeditions. There's a lot that goes on in the background to make it all work smoothly. We're looking for the following service providers to get involved as sponsors:
  • Cruise Ship: We'd like to work with a Cruise Line that is currently looking to increase their travel editorial exposure for their cruises to New Zealand and Canada. Our focus: a magazine article that shows what happens to two people when they go from living in a tent for a year to living on a luxury cruise liner for a week.
  • Phone Service: In the technology section, we mentioned the need for a satellite phone or mobile phone sponsor. Failing that, we're also looking for a company to donate $200 worth of New Zealand based international phone cards for our communication to the rest of the world.
  • Tourism and Attractions: Do you own or host a New Zealand tourism attraction that isn't getting the traffic you hope for? Our website is currently receiving 26,000 unique visitors per month, growing by 2000 each month, and for the small cost of admission, all 26,000 of those will see your attraction.
  • Ferry Service: We require ferry service between the North and South Islands.
Is there anything you can provide that see here?
Something you can provide that we haven't listed?
contact us now!

why us?
We know that companies receive endless requests for sponsorship each year. What makes our request any different... or better?

We feel a large part of the charm of a beimers.com expedition lies in the simple fact that we are two ordinary people who quit our jobs and chose to travel instead. We're not bike enthusiasts, we're not health nuts, we're not out to prove that we're better, stronger or (God forbid) smarter than anybody else. We're certainly not out to break world records, nor are we focused on bringing people unbiased, unimaginative lists of five-star food and lodging.

We just... travel. We bring a unique, real-time perspective into the foibles of the self-proclaimed adventurer. We represent that part of every human being that lives beneath the wall of excuses - I'm too fat, it's too far, I'm too old, I'm too young, I've got kids, I've got car payments. We represent that little tiny irrational piece of every Manhattan office worker who has ever wanted to buy themselves a whip and a hat and a ticket to Egypt after watching a weekend rental from the Action section, but still somehow ends up back behind his desk by 9:05 Monday morning.

And people seem to like it. 26,000 people a month visit our web sites, growing another two thousand each month. As much as we love adventuring, our true joy comes in sharing the experience with others.

So while it’s noble to break records and climb the highest mountain, we’d rather do things our way.

get involved | benefits of sponsorship | contact us
intro | the expedition | our route | requirements | about us | our other adventures
©2003 Kevin & Aimee Beimers.